#1 The Alaska Centennial Nugget - 294.10 Troy Ounces The largest gold nugget ever found in Alaska. It was found near Ruby, Alaska in 1998 by miner Barry Clay as he operated his bulldozer. The nugget rolled off the pile of dirt ahead of the bulldozer blade. This nugget was sold and the current location is unknown.
The Fall of 1968, in Fairbanks, Alaska, the day of the Equinox was a 26 mile Marathon. A friend I met at the University asked me to do the Marathon with her.
The first 10 miles were up hill! It was one of those glorious day in Fairbanks, the sky was a cerulean blue, the trees were yellow gold and the woods were beautiful as I lay on the ground for a major well needed rest. I looked up through the trees to the sky and I was filled with the world.
By the time I reach the 19th mile, walking the path I saw a stick, I was hurting so bad by this time I couldn't tell whether to step over it or walk around! I was no longer interested in the marathon, just the next check point so I could get back to my bed.
I fell asleep for an hour until the bells woke me. It took me 15 minutes to turn over on the bed I was in so much pain. I wanted get up and go down to the Commons for dinner. I never again participated in a marathon!
I love my ipod. I have loaded around 220 songs, photos of my grandchildren, I can check the weather in St. George and Anchorage, play games, (trivia, bowling and other games) watch you tube movies, keep photos and various other things. I put my earphones on and listen to music when I am out riding my scooter, plug it it to an adapter and listen to music while I am driving the car and play games while waiting at the doctors. Mine is a 16gb. My first computer was only 4 gb!